January – June 2020 Mini Catalog and Sale-A-Bration begin today!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my little happy spot. Take a look around and hope you enjoy.
Exciting News!!!! the 2024-2025 Annual Catalog has gone live! Check it out, click on image below for the digital catalog!
OR click HERE to go to the website

Click the picture link to go to the PDF of the NEW January – June 2020 Mini Catalog. I think you are going to love what you see!
Click the image below to see the PDF of the NEW Sale-A-Bration catalog, full of items that you can earn for free with qualifying Purchases in increments $50 and $100. Meaning if you purchase $150 worth of items, you have earned either 2 free items (a $100 and a $50 valued free items within this catalog or 3 $50 valued free items.) At the bottom of your order summary there is a grid that is keeping track of what you qualify for. The item numbers from the Sale-A-Bration catalog need to be placed here so they are counted as an earned free item.

Are you ready to fill your cart with some (pace yourself, these items will be here till June) gorgeous new items from the over the top New Collections? click here
Would you enjoy watching a video introducing you to a couple of the new collections? Check out the videos linked below.